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U.S. Pork Producers Encouraged to be Proactive in Preparing for Foreign Animal Disease
Dr. Dave Pyburn - National Pork Board

Farmscape for June 7, 2018

The National Pork Board is encouraging pork producers to be proactive against foreign animal disease by enrolling in the Secure Pork Supply program.
The Secure Pork Supply program is a program where, in the face of a foreign animal disease outbreak where quarantines have been put in place by regulatory officials blocking the movement of animals, that movements can be restarted.
Dr. Dave Pyburn, the Vice President of Science and Technology with the National Pork Board, told those on hand yesterday for World Pork Expo as we've moved into a more global economy the risk of a foreign animal disease outbreak has increased and it's just a matter of time before the U.S. swine herd is exposed to a foreign animal disease.

Clip-Dr. Dave Pyburn-National Pork Board:
The secure pork supply delivers data to those state veterinarians that are making those decisions on permitting movements, safe low risk movements in the face of a foreign animal disease outbreak.
It's data from the farm looking at surveillance, looking at diagnostic testing, looking at observational data from your labor, looking at biosecurity records and biosecurity standard operating procedure on the farms, looking at animal movement records.
How much movement has happened in and out of the farm and where has that movement gone or come from.
If they're already in ahead of that outbreak, that means they've already established here's the data and the records that I need to have on my farm that the state veterinarian is going to ask for to permit movement.
Then, if your farm ends up in a quarantine zone but it's not infected and those records are available to show that in fact you're not infected, that it would be a low risk movement, you can ship that to your state veterinarian, your state veterinarian reviews that data and then he can make an educated choice on whether to issue that permit on animal movement.
Without that data in a vacuum or he doesn't know what's going on on your farm and he can't judge whether it's a low risk movement, he's not going to sign that permit.
But when you provide that data through the secure pork program he will sign that permit and allow you to move animals at that point.

More information on the Secure Pork Supply program is available at or producers can talk to their local or state veterinarian.
For Farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork

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